Corey Anderson broke the Record of Shahid Afridi of fastest 100 in ODI

Corey Anderson Sets the Fastest 100 in ODI on 36 balls:

Corey Anderson (All Rounder, New Zealand) broke the Record of Shahid Afridi of fastest 100 in ODI. He completed his 100 on just 36 balls . He became the 1st batsman of World , who made this record. 

Corey Anderson Completed 100 on

Balls         36

6’s            14

4’s            4

Over all Corey Anderson Scored 131 on

Balls         47

6’s            14

4’s            6

Previously , this record was named by Shahid Afridi. He caompleted his 100 on 37 balls in 1996.

Shahid Afridi Completed 100
Balls       37
6’s          11
4’s          5