Zaka Ashraf is redeem as PCB Chairman – Pakistan news

Zaka Ashraf is redeem as PCB Chairman – Pakistan news

Zaka Ashraf is redeem as Pakistan Cricket Board ( PCB ) chairman by the Islamabad High Court (IHC), following a long-winded and complicated legal process.

This is a remarkable turnaround of fortunes for Zaka Ashraf, who had been suspended from the post in 28 May 2013 by the same court, after it ruled he was elected via a “dubious” and “polluted” process.
Speaking to the media in Lahore, Ashraf welcomed the High Court ruling.
“I respected court orders before and I respect it now, and will continue to work for the betterment of cricket in Pakistan,” he said. “Cricket is a non-political game and it is supported by millions in Pakistan. This legal process has hurt Pakistan cricket badly.”